Inglewood Family Dental

Emergency Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry in Inglewood

Sometimes dental emergencies happen, and urgent dental care is needed outside of regular office hours due to an emergency such as a knocked-out tooth. It is always worth seeking out emergency care if it is needed because leaving a dental emergency untreated can lead to further issues and damage. Emergency dentists exist to help you recover from accidents and dental emergencies as effectively as possible.

What is a Dental Emergency?

There are a number of situations that qualify as dental emergencies, including knocked-out teeth, severe infections and abscesses, soft tissue wounds, face or mouth trauma, and severe toothaches. These oral health situations require immediate attention in order to prevent further complications. For example, if a patient with a knocked-out tooth can make it to an emergency dentist fast enough, the lost tooth could be securely replaced in the patient’s mouth.

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

Check the hours of your closest emergency dentist to find out if seeing a dentist is possible at the time. If it is not, do your best to manage your pain and prevent worse mouth injuries. If the pain and or bleeding is severe, you may need to visit an emergency room. Though a dentist may not be available, a doctor can provide you with professional care until you can see a dentist.

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